Please send us photos with a brief descriptionon our coordinates in the Contacts menu (by your choice) to get a free estimate of the damage and the time needed to remove them.Sometimesis impossible to repair of 100% with PDR.In most casesforus a few photos are enough to make an accurate assessment. In a few cases, when the photos estimate is impossible, It’s necessary to make an in-person estimate in our center.To make you the most accurate photos estimate, it’s necessary: the photos, must be made the way that you see the damage best with your eyes;from the photos, to become clear whatis the car detail shot;from the photos, to become clear what the caris; from the description, to become clear the brand, model, year of the car, plus everything you think is necessary. As more realyou give usthe damage and the car, more accurate will be the free photo estimate. We usually respond within 24 hours. The free photos estimate isvalid for a period of 1 week from the date of assessment.